Celebrating 20 Years of God’s Faithfulness

September 29, 2022: A Celebration to Remember

On September 29, 2022, we gathered to celebrate 20 years of God’s faithfulness with delicious food, powerful music, a “holy discontent” keynote address, a ministry update, a parent story, and a fundraising request. The room was packed, and we still wish every person from the Connected Families community could have joined us.

To give you a taste of the celebration, please enjoy video segments, audio, and pictures from the evening.

20 Years in 10 Minutes

Spend 10 minutes to get a high-level overview of Connected Families; history, current initiatives, impact stories, and future plans.

Videos From the Evening

Dave Scouler

Board Chair

20 Years of Ministry in 10 Minutes

Anna Braasch

Executive Director

Joel Johnson

Westwood Church

Jim & Lynne


Anna Braasch

Executive Director
Ministry Update

Chad Hayenga

Director of Education
Program Update

Jessica Brandon

Impact Story

Trevor Thurling

Fundraising Chair

Stacy Bellward

Director of Engagement


If you’d prefer to listen, you can do that here!
You can listen to the evening in its entirety or skip to your areas of interest.

Listen for…

  • 0:00 – Entrance music
  • 10:35 – Worship music
  • 15:00 – Dave Scouler – Welcome and prayer
  • 17:14 – Video – 20 Years of Connected Families in 10 minutes
  • 27:04 – Anna Braasch – Gratitude and introductions
  • 29:16 – Worship music
  • 43:22 – Joel Johnson – Keynote address
  • 1:07:36 – Jim and Lynne Jackson – Reflections
  • 1:19:10 – Anna Braasch – Ministry Update
  • 1:27:45 – Chad Hayenga – Program Update
  • 1:34:08 – Jessica Brandon – Testimonial
  • 1:42:49 – Trevor Thurling – Fundraising Update
  • 1:50:09 – Worship music
  • 1:54:50 – Stacy Bellward – Prayer


We are grateful to have captured so many fun images from the evening. Enjoy!

Dinner and Mingling

The Connected Families staff and board worked together to serve our guests. Dinner was catered by Breaking Bread.

The Program

We continued the celebration with fantastic music, a “holy discontent” keynote address, reflections from Jim and Lynne Jackson, a ministry update, and a parent story. As you listen to the audio, these pictures will walk you through the program (and will explain why there is a jar of salsa on the stage!).

Dessert and Spontaneous Dance Party

The band was so good and the evening so celebratory, how could we not dance?


Special thanks to our sponsors who helped defray the cost of the evening! We are so grateful for your generosity.

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