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discipline that connects online course

Discipline That Connects With Your Child’s Heart Online Course





As a parent, do you sometimes feel…

❌ Overwhelmed
❌ Stuck
❌ Mean
❌ Hopeless
❌ Angry
❌ Lost

You are not alone.

Parenting is a non-stop responsibility, and you’re right in the middle of it! When your kids misbehave, it’s all too easy to respond by getting big, mean, and loud.

Maybe you’ve tried to be thoughtful and intentional in responding to misbehavior. Yet you keep returning to the same ingrained patterns. It’s hard to break the negative cycles!

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What others say about this Christian parenting course

What others say

The Framework

CF Framework 4Actions4Messages 1

The Framework

The special sauce of the Discipline That Connects online course is our Connected Families Framework. This Framework was created using principles of brain science, biblical teaching, and years of personal and professional experience.

In Discipline That Connects, you’ll learn how the Framework combines grace with truth. And mercy with accountability. The Framework equips you to love your kids unconditionally while teaching them to take responsibility for their actions.

As you learn and implement this grace-filled framework for parenting, your kids will feel:

  • Safe
  • Loved
  • Called and capable
  • Responsible for their actions



Best for:

Parents who want to go through the course with other parents.


STEP 1: Find your people! Gather parents in your community by using these materials to promote your group.

STEP 2: Purchase licenses based on the number of households in your group (including yourself).

STEP 3: Once you’ve purchased, you’ll receive an email from us that includes ALL the details you need to start and facilitate your group, including a brand new Leader’s Guide.


Best for:

Parents who want to go through the course with others, with the support of a Certified Parent Coach.


Head to our Events page to find all current Discipline That Connects small groups.


Best for:

Parents who want to process and reflect on the content alone at their own pace.


Register today with ongoing access.

8 sessions that will change your parenting for good

  1. A Fresh Perspective on Discipline
  2. You Are Safe With Me — What’s Going on in Me?
  3. You Are Safe With Me — Keep Discipline on Track
  4. You Are Loved No Matter What!
  5. You Are Called and Capable — Discover and Affirm Capability
  6. You Are Called and Capable — Grow Skills and Wisdom
  7. You Are Responsible for Your Actions
  8. All Four Messages Working Together

Extras included

  • A printable PDF workbook file
  • Ongoing access to the course so you can refresh yourself on the content whenever you need it, even after you finish the course
  • Bonus videos with real-life stories of parents whose families have been transformed through the Connected Families Framework taught in the course

This eight-session online Christian parenting course will give you the tools you need to parent well!

At the end of the course…

You will be saying:

  • “I can go to bed feeling great about my interactions.”
  • “God has grace for the times when I (and my kids) mess up.”
  • “I can see God’s handiwork in my child in ways that I didn’t before.”
  • “I have experienced God’s unconditional love for me, and I understand better how to pass that on to my child.”

And your child will have internalized these messages:

  • “I am SAFE with Mom/Dad.” 
  • “I am LOVED no matter what.”
  • “I am CALLED and CAPABLE.”
  • “I am RESPONSIBLE for my actions.”

About the creators of the course

Jim and Lynne Jackson created this Christian parenting course after a lifetime of personal and professional experience. 

They saw that the go-to behavior management strategies being taught would never bring about lasting change. In reading everything they could about child development, discipline, and biblical truths, they discovered that through a deeply connected relationship, parents build influence with their children that ultimately leads to change in behavior.

Jim and Lynne no light scaled

Imagine the changes…


  • The ability to stay calm and loving for your kids during anger and meltdowns
  • Practical strategies when emotions are strong to build wisdom and responsibility in your kids
  • Unexpected joy finding the strengths hidden behind your kids’ challenges


  • Obey more out of love rather than fear
  • Take responsibility for their actions
  • Confide in you as never before
  • Feel a sense of safety and security in obedience.
  • Understand the bigger picture of what discipline is accomplishing.


  • Resolves conflict well and with heart-felt respect
  • Is a grace-filled influence in your community and beyond 
  • Has deep joy in being together

Discipline That Connects is a different sort of Christian parenting course…

Discipline That Connects is a different sort of Christian parenting course…

Are you ready for your parenting to be transformed?

If family life is chaotic and you feel stuck, you’ll learn practical tools to replace ingrained reactions with confident wisdom and grace! 

Start the change today.

Got questions?

We’ve got answers!

Something has to change.

This chaos can’t be what God wants for your family.

Start the change today.

Not ready to take the course?

Sign-up for our FREE eBook, What Kids Need – 4 Messages That Build Identity, to learn
how our parenting framework can transform your family.