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Be Part of the Team

Want to join?
Simply share your name and email address. You can opt out at any time!

As part of the Insiders Team, you will:

  • Receive an email each Friday with ONE simple action step (taking five minutes or less) from Executive Director, Anna Braasch 
  • Have early access to resources we are developing
  • Be called upon to give feedback
  • Learn about jobs or opportunities we have available
  • Feel ALL THE LOVE of the Connected Families team!!!

A note from our executive director

In 2013, when I started my position here, I repeatedly heard, “I love Connected Families! Let me know how I can help!” I decided to start a list of people I could tap into as needed. Requests were haphazard, at best.

Fast forward to 2017 when I decided to capitalize on this amazing group of people. My commitment was sending out 1 email per week (each Friday) with a quick (5-minute-ish) request. WOW! At the time I had no idea how crucial this team would be to our continued growth and reach!

We would be honored if you’d join the team. And if you have any feedback or suggestions, don’t hesitate to let us know.

With deep gratitude and appreciation,

Anna Braasch

Anna Braasch

Executive director