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Invest in Your Family

Parent coaching will equip you with skills for success

When you’re discouraged and overwhelmed by parenting, it can be hard to imagine things getting better. BUT… parenting can get better! In fact, you can even enjoy your kids again.

Our parent coaches work with you, and your strengths, to help you walk in your calling as a parent. We’d be honored to partner with you on your parenting journey.

Parent coaching transformed these families

What informs the coaches at Connected Families

  • The Bible. We are followers of Christ and that impacts all of our interactions – including with our coaching clients.
  • The Connected Families Framework. Everything we do at Connected Families is built on this framework and the messages that we believe all kids long to hear:
    • You are SAFE with me.
    • You are LOVED no matter what.
    • You are CALLED and CAPABLE.
    • You are RESPONSIBLE for your actions.
  • Attachment and trauma research. Many of the parents who reach out to us for parent coaching have children who have experienced trauma and have insecure attachment. The coaches at Connected Families are trauma-sensitive and informed.
  • The latest in child development. We believe that God has given incredible gifts and insights to researchers in the field of child development. We prioritize staying abreast of the latest research in the field.

“Our family struggled just being with each other. We were always fighting about something or with someone. The questions my coach asked were thought-provoking. I now look for a new perspective when things aren’t working. Writing this has brought me to tears realizing how far I’ve come!”

Pat – Single Mom of Three

Ready to Get Started?

Congratulations, you are about to embark on a great journey!
Fill out our coaching interest form, and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Our coaches are parents, too!

Just like you, we’re also parents and know how hard the parenting journey can be. From our experience, combined with research and education, we’ve helped hundreds of parents find peace and connection with their kids.

Your family is unique, with its own unique ups and downs. Connected Families understands coaching is not one-size-fits-all, and will customize your four-session package to suit the specific needs of your family. During your sessions, a parent coach will walk alongside you and help turn frustration, anger, and despair into patterns of calmness, wisdom, and joy. You’ll learn practical tools that can be implemented immediately to address the daily challenges in your family life.

As helpful as the articles and podcasts/videos are, the Parent Coach truly puts in the effort and helps you understand the lessons and apply them to your real-life situation.

Semra — mom of one

Meet our parent coaches

Lynne Jackson

Lynne Jackson

Co-Founder & Occupational Therapist

As an occupational therapist, Lynne has helped countless parents as they raise sensitive and intense children. She loves working with families as they grow closer to God and each other.

Lynne Jackson

Chad Hayenga

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Certified Life Coach

Chad is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a certified life coach. Chad specializes in working with parents who have kids between the ages of 8 and 18.

Lynne Jackson

Lydia Rex

Connected Families Certified Parent Coach

Lydia is a registered nurse and Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) practitioner who works with families of young kids, especially those who have sensory struggles, developmental trauma, or other challenges. It’s her joy to walk with families as they find healing and grace together!

Lynne Jackson

Sara Paine

Connected Families Certified Parent Coach

Sara has worked with kids of varying backgrounds for over 15 years. She is a credentialed teacher and a certified wellness coach. As a mom to kids through both birth and adoption, it is her pleasure to tackle the challenges faced by families with young, sensitive, and intense kids.

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CF Certified Parent Coaches

We certify parent coaches around the world! If you are looking for a coach…

  • In a specific region such as England, Guatemala, or Australia
  • Who speaks specific languages such as Mandarin, Thai, or Amharic
  • With a specialized focus, such as trauma, attachment, anxiety, or special education.

…we encourage you to look through our list of incredible certified parent coaches. Everyone listed on this page has undergone (and continues to receive) extensive training in our Coaching Certification Program.

I could physically feel a change after my first coaching session – I felt less burdened and anxious.

Andrea – Mom of Two

Interested in becoming a parent coach?

After decades of parent coaching experience, we are thrilled to come alongside professionals who want to become certified parent coaches. We begin several cohorts a year. You will be trained, supported, and encouraged as you launch your parent coaching practice using the Connected Families Framework and Parenting Coaching Workbook.

Questions you might have:

Ready to invest in your family?

Congratulations, you are about to embark on a great journey!
Fill out our coaching interest form, and we’ll get back to you shortly.