Got questions about the Discipline That Connects online course?
We’ve got answers.
General Questions
There are eight sessions of 30 minutes each that are pre-recorded and available to you on your schedule! This means you can take it day or night and go through the course at the speed that works for you.
See the course syllabus here.
The eight sessions are streaming videos with reflection questions interspersed throughout. We highly encourage course participants to leave comments when taking the course but don’t require comments to move to the next session.
Each session takes 30 minutes to watch the videos and 15 or 20 minutes for reflection questions. Plan for an extra hour each week while the course is in session.
Yes! We have a small group version just for you. To learn more about format and pricing, check out our small group options.
Please don’t take a group through the course using your individual credentials. If you have more questions about this, contact us.
We’ve found that those with the highest completion rate put each session on their calendar and treat it like any other appointment they can’t miss. Our suggestion is to schedule one session per week. This will keep the momentum going, but you also won’t feel overwhelmed.
In sessions two and three, you’ll begin to learn brain science and gain tools for bringing calm to a conflict.
In session four, you’ll gain tools for connecting with your child that takes the intensity out of kids’ defiance.
In sessions five and six, you’ll learn to coach your kids in ways that build wisdom for life.
In sessions seven and eight, you’ll learn to use effective consequences.
By the time you’re done, you’ll be able to think far more clearly, biblically, and constructively in the face of daily challenges. You will experience more peace and confidence in your parenting.
The book Discipline That Connects With Your Child’s Heart is very helpful as a resource but not necessary to complete the course.
To encourage you to have this as a resource, we do make a copy (either paperback or audio) available to you at a discounted rate.
The appendix of the book applies the four principles you’ll be learning to these common parenting challenges:
Poor Listening
Screen Time
Conflict Resolution
We continually hear how parents continue to refer back to the appendix over and over again!
The content is the same. The reason you might consider taking the online course is that:
1.) The online course connects with multiple learning styles. There are written, visual, emotional, and interactive portions of the course that engage the whole brain. This is the most effective way to ensure learning.
2.) It is much easier to share the experience with a spouse. At the end of a long day, it’s more likely you’ll sit back on the couch, watch, and reflect together rather than read a book together.
3.) It is relational in two ways:
-You’ll feel like Jim & Lynne are right there with you. Their warmth and compassion come through powerfully. We think you’ll find this to be as personal as an online course can be.
-You’ll be interacting with others going through the course at the same time. In each session are several reflection questions that invite participants to share their learning with each other.
While the principles taught in this course apply to all relationships, the specific examples and stories refer to kids ages 2 – 16. Parents have reported the principles apply well to older kids, grandkids, kids in the classroom, and even kids who have special needs such as ADHD, SPD, ASD, and attachment/trauma. So give it a whirl and if you feel like the course is not helpful to your family, just contact us during the first month for a full refund.
Yes, this course is different! You’ll learn four basic biblical principles and be guided to uniquely apply those principles to you and your kids. As you grow into these principles, you’ll grow in your unique ability to apply them.
Registration Questions
for the Discipline that Connects online course
Of course! In fact, we encourage it! Just have that person register separately. If finances are an issue, have them fill out the scholarship form. Please do not share your username and password with others.
You are welcome to share your username and password with a spouse or co-parent. If you’ve registered and would like a separate login for a spouse or co-parent, we’d be happy to provide that for you! Just contact us for a code to register that person for free.
Please do not share your login information with anyone else.
We like to say “lifetime access,” but that would imply all sorts of promises we may be unable to keep. Instead, we say “ongoing access,” which means as long as we are in ministry and as long as we are providing this course material, you’ll have access to this course.
Once your session is complete, you can always go back and watch the videos on the alumni version. You won’t be able to leave comments or have access to the moderator.
You will also be able to register for future sessions with a free alumni code. You would not pay registration fees, although we always encourage our alumni to donate to Connected Families Scholarship Fund if possible.
The next time we will offer this course will be October 2023. If you have lots going on right now and cannot commit at this time, consider taking the course next fall. Or, you can register now, engage as much as your schedule will allow, and have ongoing access to the videos after the moderated course closes.
If you live in a rural area or have slow internet in the United States, contact us after you’ve purchased the course. We’ll give you a link to then purchase a USB “thumb” drive with the video segments available. The cost covers S & H.
If you live in another country with poor internet, please contact us. We’ll try to figure out a solution based on your location.
We are so excited that parents worldwide can participate in this course!
Two differences/hurdles if you live outside the United States:
1. You’ll need to download all elements of the welcome packet rather than have a welcome packet mailed to you.
2. We have three live Q & As scheduled at 8 pm central to make it most convenient for most registered parents. Depending on where you live, you might be fast asleep or at work! You’ll be able to access the video recordings the next day.
If, due to currency exchange rates, the course is out of your budget, make sure to contact us for a full or partial scholarship.
We can provide certification that you registered and participated in the course. You (or your board) would need to decide if it fits within your CEU guidelines.
YES, however only in English at this time. Also, only on the lesson videos not on the welcome video or the live Q & As.
Yes! If $119 is out of your reach, we offer options ranging from $89.25 or less based on your need.
We want all parents, regardless of their ability to pay, to have access to this life-changing information.
Request one of our scholarship options here.
We sure do! 30% off for active or retired military. Contact us to request the customized coupon code just for you. And thank you for your service!
Register by Monday, September 26 to receive a welcome packet in the mail by Tuesday, October 4 (if you live in the US and are new to the course). Welcome packets will be mailed until we run out!
Everyone, regardless of when you register or where you live, will receive digital downloads of everything in the welcome packet.
Content is released on Tuesday, October 4th.
Finish one session a week from October 4th through the beginning of December.
Participate in three live Q & As sprinkled throughout the course (October 24, November 14, December 5) or watch the replay after.
Since 2002, Connected Families founders Jim & Lynne Jackson have worked almost daily with parents. Their discoveries have helped thousands of parents grow in skills and confidence.
The basic idea is this: When parents make a primary goal of getting their children to behave right, parents and kids generally become adversaries. But when parents learn to focus first on helping their children grow in healthy, biblically-based beliefs about themselves and the world, they become allies with their kids and gain great influence in their lives. So we equip parents with a new primary goal for discipline: one that positions them as allies instead of adversaries.
To get the full and the best experience, we encourage you to register by September 26 to ensure you have the Welcome Packet in hand by October 4th.
We will close registration on October 11th
If you register after the 4th and before the 14th, you can always catch up! However, we can’t ensure you’ll receive a welcome packet in the mail.
To be good stewards of our resources (and storage space), we print a finite number of welcome packets. Once we run out, we are out.
We’d encourage you to register as soon as you can to make sure your welcome packet is mailed to your home by October 4th. After we are out, we’d ask that you download all the elements of the welcome packet.
If you are an alum, you’ll receive an email from Executive Director Anna Braasch on Tuesday, September 6th, with the subject line Important DTC Info. If you do not receive this email, contact us, and we’ll get you all the details.
We have three options available for course alumni:
1.) Once you complete the online course, you’ll be invited to participate in an ongoing private Facebook group with other alumni.
2.) We have private parent coaching at a discounted rate.
3.) You can retake the course at any time in the future. Needs change as kids grow older! Each time you go through the course, you’ll find a new important takeaway.

We only offer DTC twice a year!
Don’t miss your opportunity. Join us for the Fall 2022 Session!