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Week of Sharing.
August 1st – 7th.

Parenting is hard. Yet, there is hope!

Your story can spread that hope. Share how Connected Families has instilled confidence and hope in your parenting journey. Others need to hear it.

This August 1 – 7, we’ll celebrate our first-ever Connected Families Week of Sharing. We will share impact stories and invite joyful generosity. This 7-day sharing and giving challenge unites our community—parents, donors, staff, and friends—through philanthropy.

You can make a big difference
by sharing your story.
How big?

Life changing big!

We continue to hear story after story of how Connected Families coaching, online courses, podcasts, and blog posts are tools used by God to heal brokenness and transform chaotic families into ones of deep connection.

You can help raise awareness and funds that will provide generational transformation in families.

Your advocacy might introduce a weary mom or dad to the Christ-centered parenting Framework that they have been desperately seeking. Your kind generosity provides messages of safety, love, calling, and responsibility – messages of hope for families – messages rooted in Christ. Your support changes lives.

Will you join us in sharing, in giving and in changing lives?

dads matter too

Stories of Transformation

dads matter too

When you find something good, you talk about it, right?

We hope that the grace-filled Connected Families Framework is one of those good things you just can’t help but talk about.

Your voice is needed during the Connected Families Week of Sharing.

Your voice matters, your story inspires, and your sharing might just be exactly what your friend or neighbor has been desperately praying for.

Three Questions to Consider as You Share Your Connected Families Story:

  • What were your biggest challenges before finding Connected Families?
  • What tool or teaching of Connected Families has profoundly shaped your parenting journey?
  • What’s different now? How has your family grown and/or changed?

Week of Sharing Sponsorship

Momentum is building. Parents are seeking support. They are stressed, sleep-deprived, and strained.

Your help is needed to meet them in their moments of desperation. You can help transform families from chaos to connection.

Your sponsorship will be a megaphone getting the word out about the heart-transforming empowerment of the Connected Families Framework. Messages of safety, love, calling, capability, and responsibility will replace messages of fear, shame, inadequacy, and irresponsibility.

Questions? Contact Director of Development, Adel Irwin at adel@connectedfamilies.org.

dads matter too

Learn more about sponsorship by downloading the Week of Sharing Sponsorship packet. Complete the last page to make your sponsorship commitment and mail in your sponsorship.

Stories of Transformation


Mari from Finland

Mom of 3

“It feels healing to listen to the podcasts, and everything I’ve read and listened to feels like exactly what I need. It is biblical and very practical and so different than what I’ve experienced in my own childhood. Many times it makes me cry and feel that this is how it ought to be.”

“The tools I’m learning are life-changing. I received an online course scholarship, and I am so grateful!! These lessons are saving my relationship with my child, which is helping him to grow into a confident, loving, and capable person. Thank you to the donors who make this possible!”


Katy from Chicago

Mom of 1 son


Elyse from Addis Ababa

Mom of 2

“My parenting perspective and heart have changed since I came across Connected Families resources and website. The framework you teach through podcasts, articles, and classes have made a turning point in my life that I will always be grateful for. God bless you!”

You can share the framework

framework optimized

Download a FREE ebook, Four Messages Every Child Longs to Hear, and send it to a friend. It could be a great resource for you as you share your story. And it might just be what your friend has been praying for.

Looking for ways to share?

Start with the Framework.

Reflect on the messages your parenting is sending. Share with your friend or small group how you are helping your children feel SAFE with you and LOVED no matter what. Share about how you are COACHING your children to understand their calling and their God-given capabilities. Talk about how your kids are learning to be RESPONSIBLE for their actions and righting their wrongs.

Your advocacy can empower other families to communicate grace-filled messages, too.

Your friends might want to know that Connected Families seeks to fulfill a unique role in the Christian parenting space. We are:

Biblically grounded
No politics

While unapologetically Christ-centered, we also let parenting, brain, and trauma research inform what we do and say. And we keep our focus on Jesus. Not politics.


Year Established


Podcast Listens


Reached On Website Monthly


Enrolled in Courses


Parents Coached

Share your story on your favorite social channels using #CFWeekofSharing

Follow along on the Week of Sharing Portal

Who We Are

Jim & Lynne Jackson began Connected Families in 2002 from their careers in ministry to at-risk teens (Jim) and pediatric occupational therapy (Lynne). Read more about Jim and Lynne’s story. Since then, our team has grown to support you in your parenting journey.

Jim Jackson

Jim Jackson


Lynne Jackson

Lynne Jackson


Chad Hayenga

Chad Hayenga

Director of Education

Stacy Bellward

Stacy Bellward

Director of Engagement

Anna Braasch

Anna Braasch

Executive Director

How we support you

online courses

Online Courses

coaching certification

Parent Coaching

coaching certification

Parent Coach Certification

books resources blue

Parenting Books & Resources

parenting blog


parenting podcast



Year Established


Podcast Listens


Reached On Website Monthly


Enrolled in Courses


Parents Coached