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SM stephen freeman testimonial Ep 207

Moving to the Same Side of the Table: A Father’s Journey | Ep. 207

In today’s episode, Connected Families Co-Founder Jim Jackson interviews Stephen Freeman, a father of five, who shares how Connected Families impacted his parenting approach. Through coaching and practical tools, Stephen learned to see challenging behaviors differently and developed a deeper…

Read MoreMoving to the Same Side of the Table: A Father’s Journey | Ep. 207
SM better parenting reframing negative thoughts Ep 206

Better Parenting Starts Here: Reframing Negative Thoughts | Ep. 206

If you’re not satisfied with what your parenting looks like today, maybe becoming a better mom or dad is more about reframing what you already do than finding new tips and tricks that “work” with your kids. In this episode,…

Read MoreBetter Parenting Starts Here: Reframing Negative Thoughts | Ep. 206
SM holiday boundaries expectations Ep 205

Holiday Boundaries & Expectations with Family | Ep. 205

Wondering how you can set holiday boundaries and expectations for family gatherings? Are you looking forward to celebrating Christmas with family but dreading unsolicited advice from well-meaning relatives? You are not alone. Changes in your daily routines, travel, lack of…

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