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Pray With Us

Join the Prayer Team!

Because we believe in the power of prayer, we’re inviting you to pray for Connected Families and to share your prayer requests with us. Each month we send an email to the Prayer Team, and then as needs arise during the month. Enter your name and email address to join*.

July 2024 Prayer Requests

Connected Families Week of Sharing Aug 1-7, 2024

Praise—Momentum is building. Parents are seeking support. Every day, nearly 75 new moms and dads subscribe to receive grace-filled parenting guidance! As their hearts are being transformed they are talking about it and inviting others to experience more of God’s grace and pass that on to their children.

Prayer – Join us in prayer for the first-ever Connected Families Week of Sharing, August 1-7, 2024. It’s all about peer-to-peer sharing and joyful giving. Pray that people will join as Volunteer Advocates and boldly speak about how God has transformed their hearts and families through the CF Framework. Pray that their excitement and energy around this ministry will organically reach those we might never be able to reach on our own. Pray for sponsors to step up and make financial contributions that impact generations. Pray for joyful generosity that spurs the ministry forward so that more weary moms and dads experience the freeing grace of Christ in their parenting.

CF Merchandise is Coming

Praise – Moms and dads are telling their friends about Connected Families and gathering as small groups to take courses together. Healing is happening. Hope is being restored. Families are feeling less chaotic and more connected!

Prayer – As parents organically share Connected Families, they’ve asked for apparel to help start conversations. Pray that as we launch our new Connected Families apparel, it will be a fruitful tool for the expansion of the ministry. Pray that it will support Christ-centered transformation in families by being a visual reminder in the home and community of the framework messages (You are SAFE with me, You are LOVED no matter what, You are CALLED and CAPABLE, You are RESPONSIBLE for your actions).

Anna Braasch – CF Executive Director, is on Sabbatical

Praise – Anna means so much to Connected Families. Her impact cannot be overstated. Anna is returning from her Sabbatical in mid-July, and we couldn’t be happier to have her back!

Prayer – Please pray for Anna and her re-entry into Connected Families after being gone for more than two months. Pray that the adjustment will go smoothly as she returns in time for our upcoming Quarterly Leadership Team Meeting and All-Team Meeting.

Parent Coaching Certification – Fall Cohort Set

Praise – We spend very little time or energy promoting our Parent Coaching Certification Program, yet there is more interest than ever before. June 30 was our deadline for determining who will join our fall training cohort, and we have 30 people expected to join us in October.

Prayer – Between now and October, each of the 30 people will review some of CF’s most foundational material to prepare them for the training. Please pray that God will deepen their understanding of His grace and truth so they will be able to better pass it along to their children/grandchildren and those they are called to serve.

Ongoing Prayer Requests

  • For the health and wellness of everyone on our team.
  • For parents everywhere who are struggling to parent with God’s grace and truth.
  • For our ministry as a whole, that God would be glorified in all we do.

Share your prayer requests with us

We would be honored to pray for you.

*When you join the prayer team, you can expect:

  • A minimum of one email per month highlighting the prayer needs of CF Board, Staff, and Families to whom we minister.
  • An occasional S.O.S prayer request that needs immediate prayer.