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What Kids Need: 4 Messages that Build Identity

The four messages your kids long to hear

Are the messages you intend to send to your kids actually what they hear? The 4 Messages ebook will help you align your intentions with your child’s perceptions, creating a nurturing environment where they feel safe, loved, and capable. 

Start transforming your family’s communication today. Ensure your children receive messages of love and empowerment and a solid biblical identity to guide them through their lives. Take the first step toward a more connected family now.

The Discipline That Connects principles and practical tools have transformed countless families. Download this free ebook and let it begin to transform your parenting too.

What Kids Need Print

I had the distinct thought that no words were wasted. Each sentence and point felt meaningful, powerful and insightful. I also didn’t expect this but it made me feel closer to God- seeing how my parenting can reflect how He parents us and loves us. – Feedback from 4 Messages reader

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The Framework behind the messages

When a child knows and believes they are:

  • SAFE with you
  • LOVED no-matter-what by you
  • CALLED and CAPABLE of good things
  • RESPONSIBLE for their actions

… their behavior and their life trajectory changes.

I know I never want to be an unsafe parent. Seeing these four messages made it clear what the foundation is — safety. I wish I had felt safe, and I know I want my kids to feel it. I resonated with these messages, and they remind me that there is hope and grace to be found as we parent.



This ebook is the first step to many more resources (such as the Discipline That Connects online course and parent coaching) that will strengthen your family. As we navigate the tween and teen years now, we feel much more equipped to help our boys to grow into loving and responsible young men

Eric & Marni

Eric & Marni
