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Change the trajectory of a family — every month.

Join The Table, Connected Families’ monthly donor community, and change the trajectory for more stressed families.

The Table light bg offset

Change the trajectory of a family — every month.

How We Changed 1 scaled

Your monthly donation will support families like The Thompsons. When they first came to Connected Families, they identified as “the most stressed family they knew.”

With Connected Families, they began a beautiful journey of transformation and are creating a home where everyone feels safe, loved, called & capable, and responsible.

Join The Table, Connected Families’ monthly donor community, and change the trajectory for more stressed families.

Sensitive kids with angry outburst can also have intense happy energy.


Join The Table at a suggested donation of $35 a month in March and enjoy FREE access to our popular Sensitive & Intense Kids online course PLUS a free enrollment to share with another family.


A Monthly Donor Community

With consistent support, you create ripple effects of family transformation that last for generations to come.

The Parenting Journey Shouldn’t Feel Like a Burden

Today’s parents face unprecedented challenges:

  • Overwhelming stress
  • Conflicting advice
  • Cultural pressure
  • Digital distractions
  • Time demands

No one needs to struggle alone.

There’s hope in Jesus’ promise “Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28

Through Connected Families’ biblical, research-informed resources, we help families transform:

  • Stress into peace
  • Confusion into clarity
  • Burden into blessing
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“I remember when we couldn’t sit on the couch together without a fight or yelling match breaking out! We have come so far. Now we worship, pray, learn, and grow together. It still takes work, and sometimes I want to be lazy, but parenting is my responsibility, and being part of this community makes it easier.”


Mom of 3

Multiply the impact of your generosity

When You Join
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You’ve experienced it – the confidence, clarity, and calling that comes from biblical parenting wisdom. Now imagine sharing that transformation with others.

Pull up a chair and multiply your impact!

As a member of The Table, you will receive periodic invitations to online courses, live Q&As, expert-led webinars, and more. We aim to surprise and delight you throughout the year as we walk alongside you in your parenting journey.

Additionally, you’ll be encouraged and equipped to share these resources with a friend as you support another parent’s journey and multiply God’s grace in families.

Lastly, as a member of The Table, you’ll be a guiding voice for future initiatives as we learn from you and you share your parenting hopes, dreams, fears, and concerns with us.


Why Monthly Giving Matters

Transform More Families Through Sustainable Support

🌱 Predictable Support Powers Growth
Your monthly gift creates a foundation of stability, enabling us to:

  • Develop fresh, relevant content
  • Respond quickly to family needs
  • Plan confidently for the future

💰 Maximize Your Impact
Monthly giving is smart giving:

  • Reduces administrative costs
  • Channels more funds to families
  • Strengthens program development

🤝 Join an Inner Circle of Change-Makers
As a monthly donor, you’ll:

  • Receive exclusive ministry updates
  • Celebrate transformation stories
  • Connect with like-minded supporters

🎓 Open Doors for Every Family
Your consistent support:

  • Grows our scholarship fund
  • Removes financial barriers
  • Makes biblical parenting wisdom accessible to all

“Giving monthly to Connected Families was an easy YES for us! We know our giving makes an impact on families and eternity – no greater things to invest in than that!”

Sarah & Jeff

Parents of 5

Who We Are

At The Table, we believe every parent and every child is created to be safe, loved, called & capable, and responsible.

At The Table, we believe every parent and every child is created to be safe, loved, called & capable, and responsible.

We are setting a Table of resources, support, and space for struggling families anchored in Scripture and informed by brain science and research and inviting the whole world. Join us!

We are setting a Table of resources, support, and space for struggling families anchored in Scripture and informed by brain science and research and inviting the whole world. Join us!

Brian Kylie

We’re part of The Table because we want other families to be blessed through CF like we have (and still are). From teaching the gospel, showing the gospel, teaching emotional regulation, celebrating the victories, seeing behavioral change, and seeing these principles confirmed in brain research… nothing is putting all these principles together like Connected Families. This is an exceptional ministry and tool!

Bryan & Kylie

Parents of 3

“He has brought me to his banqueting place, and his banner over me is love.” – Song of Solomon 2:4