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SM Strengths Weaknesses Brownings Ep 195

Strengths and Weaknesses: What a Child’s Misbehavior Tells Us | Ep 195

When faced with your child’s misbehavior, it’s tempting to focus on their weaknesses: poor emotional regulation, lack of self-control, or dishonesty. But what if you could see beneath these struggles to recognize the God-given strengths hidden within? At Connected Families,…

Read MoreStrengths and Weaknesses: What a Child’s Misbehavior Tells Us | Ep 195
SM Payoffs Rewards Jim Chad Ep 194

Payoffs & Accidental Rewards: How to Focus on the Right Stuff | Ep. 194

Have you ever noticed bad behavior increasing the more you attempt to quell it in your child? You might be facing a situation of payoffs, accidental rewards or misplaced “focus fertilizer.” In this episode, Chad Hayenga and Jim Jackson unpack…

Read MorePayoffs & Accidental Rewards: How to Focus on the Right Stuff | Ep. 194
SM agape love JimLynne Ep 193

Agape Love: The Surprising Time Your Child Needs It Most | Ep 193

Showing love is easy when your child is doing well, but what does it look like to extend selfless agape love to a child who is misbehaving? Listen in as Jim and Lynne Jackson, Connected Families Co-Founders, share about receiving…

Read MoreAgape Love: The Surprising Time Your Child Needs It Most | Ep 193