learning hub
share your story

Share Your Story

We always love to hear from you

Whether you simply want to encourage our team with your personal experience with Connected Families or you’re ready to share your story with a broader audience, we’re always happy to hear from you. We love knowing how God is changing and empowering parents to love their kids and guide them in wisdom.

How has Connected Families been a blessing to your and your family? How has Connected Families encouraged or challenged you in your parenting journey?
What's most important for us to know?
If not included in your story, tell us a bit about your family. Co-parenting, single parent, adoptive parent, home schooling family, multi-cultural family, ages and number of children, etc.
We love to know where you are (city/state or city/country).
If you're familiar with our Framework, we'd love to know which portions of the Framework are connected to your story. Check all that apply.
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