What is The Power of Questions online course?
Less Arguing. More Wisdom.
A 4-session online course that teaches you how to stop arguing with your child and cultivate wisdom by asking thoughtful questions.

What do better questions do for your kids?

Build wisdom

Grow responsibility

Cultivate teamwork
Got a small group?
Small group version available year-round
Gather your friends and take the course together any time! The small group version provides the exact same life-changing curriculum, so you and your small group can encourage each other in your parenting growth.
About the authors

We’re parents, too.
We know how hard parenting can be when everything—even brushing teeth!—turns into an argument.
Chad Hayenga (MA, LMFT, CLC) and Stacy Bellward (ACC) delight in helping families live in harmony. But we are also parents and understand your daily struggles.
We wrote this course to give you a new vision for using thoughtful and curious questions to grow wisdom and responsibility in your kids.
What if you could avoid a lot of the arguments before they started?
Why does everything have to be a fight? It’s exhausting, isn’t it?
From daily chores to bigger life-defining decisions, you dread the power struggles with your kids.
You’re not alone.
Arguing with your child leads to discontent, lack of respect, and distanced relationships… and often more nagging from you.
The nagging isn’t cultivating wisdom, is it? But how do you stop the constant arguing?
In this course you will learn the art of asking questions that decrease the reactions that lead to arguments. Instead, good questions build internal wisdom and character in your kids, and create a culture of teamwork in your family.

Enter hard conversations prepared.
We know how hard it is to have uncomfortable conversations.
Controversial or sensitive topics trigger many emotions. This course will teach you a path through hard conversations.
There’s hope. You can stop arguing with your child and cultivate wisdom.
For over 20 years Connected Families has developed strategies to help parents, just like you, grow wisdom and responsibility in their kids. Can you imagine the entire family living in peace?
How you stop arguing with your child
Step #1: Ask thoughtful questions.
Be empowered to ask the right questions. When you do, your child will learn a better way to respond during hard emotions.
What parents say
The Power of Questions online course gives a solid foundation for why and how to ask thoughtful, meaningful questions. I love how the course takes you through practical steps to build relationships with your kids through questions. Taking the course helped our entire family start to build the life skill of asking quality questions that build understanding and grow wisdom. We even watched parts of the class with our 8 and 10 years old children to ignite problem solving conversations!

Mom of 2
This course has shown me how often I try to control and run my kids’ lives instead of helping them to develop wisdom and responsibility for themselves. Asking questions such as, “What will happen if you choose to do that?” in a curious way has helped my kids learn to think about the consequences of their actions. There are so many helpful tips in this course for how to build responsibility and defuse arguments and power struggles.

Melanie Christenson
Getting started is easy
1. Register today
The course is always open, ready for you to register and dig in.
2. Complete the course
Put four 45 minute blocks of time on your calendar to watch the videos and go through the workbook.
3. Parent with confidence
Next time your child draws you into an argument, you’ll be ready to ask thoughtful and curious questions instead.
Get Started
Are you ready to invest in your family? We make it easy.
Need-based options are available
If $35 is out of your budget, we offer scholarships! We want all parents, regardless of their ability to pay, to have access to this life-giving information. Fill out this short scholarship form to access your discount.
What you get
4 sessions that will change conflict in your home
Freedom to do the course at your own pace
Before breakfast? After the kids go to bed? In your pajamas? Or in a suit between business meetings? Your choice.
There are 4 sessions of 25 minutes each that are pre-recorded and available to you on your schedule! This means that you can take it day or night and go through the course at the speed that works for you.
The four sessions are streaming videos with reflection questions interspersed throughout.
Can my small group go through this course?
Yes! We have a small group version just for you. To learn more about format and pricing, check out our small group page.
Ongoing access to the course
Go back and review the material as often as needed. Take the course again as many times as you want!
Set of practical tools to start using right now
From the very first session on, you’ll be learning practical tips and tools to apply in your conversations (and conflict) with your kids, right away. Practice over time will improve these skills, but you can start today.
Extra resources on specific parenting challenges
We’ve listened to the unique challenge parents like you have shared with us over the years. We have specific videos for many of these, such as responding to your kids’ outrageous statements, trusting God’s timing, schoolwork challenges, and sibling conflict.
Our money back guarantee
If you find that this course isn’t for you, contact us within the first 30 days of registering for a full refund.
Stacy and Chad offer such encouraging, compassionate, and practical help. We wish we’d had this training many years ago when starting our parenting journey, but we’ve found that it’s never too late to connect with each other and build up our family team. Changing our perspective and approaching our children (even the ones who are now young adults!) with light-hearted curiosity instead of judgmental lectures is a game-changer.

Mark & Kim Newhouse
Parents of 5, Grandparents of 2
There are so many new tools that I can’t wait to implement in our home! I learned new ways to actively listen so that my kids will want to talk with me and share what they are feeling. Knowing how to approach our kids, what to say and when to say it is key to effective communication. For parents and caregivers that desire long lasting connection to their kids, this course delivers!

Nichole Summers
What is the structure of the course?
There are 4 sessions of approximately 25 minutes each that are pre-recorded and available to you on your schedule! This means that you can take it day or night and go through the course at the speed that works for you.
The four sessions are streaming videos with reflection questions interspersed throughout.
Do I need to take the DTC course first?
It is not necessary to take the Discipline That Connects online course (or any of our other online courses) before you take this course.
What course materials do I receive?
Each household receives their own individual access to the course and our Community Site, as well as a digital copy of the Welcome Packet, which includes the workbook, Word Art, and the Insights and Action Cards.
Do we need to purchase any other materials?
You can purchase a hard copy of the Welcome Packet, which includes the workbook, Wordart, Insights and Actions cards, AND a Connected Families Framework magnet for an additional fee, but it’s not necessary.
Can I have a friend join me?
Of course! In fact, we encourage it! Just have that person register separately. If finances are an issue, have them fill out the scholarship form. Please do not share your username and password with others.
Could you tell me more about Connected Families?
Since 2002 Connected Families founders Jim & Lynne Jackson have worked almost daily in the trenches with parents. Their discoveries have helped thousands of parents grow in skills and confidence. The basic idea is this: When parents make the primary goal of their parenting to get their children to “behave right” parents and kids generally become adversaries. But when parents learn to focus first on helping their children grow into healthy, biblically-based beliefs about themselves and the world, these parents become allies with their kids and gain great influence in their lives.
Is the course helpful for parents with kids of all ages?
While the material in this course is helpful for parents with kids of all ages, it is most beneficial to those with children elementary and above (ages 5 to 17).
Is there any homework for participants to help prepare for the next session?
There IS homework, but more “try this at home and report back” rather than actual work/writing in a book.
Does this course promise a quick fix? Or is it a complicated plan that I will have to enforce?
Connected Families exists to bring uncommon grace and truth to those parents longing for more than simple answers and quick fixes. We have broken down the journey to growing wisdom in conversation into an image that provides a framework for you to walk through. This is not a complicated plan, but it does take thought and prayer.
Do you offer CEUs?
We are able to provide certification that you registered and participated. You (or your board) would need to decide if it fits within your CEU guidelines.
Is this available for hearing impaired?
Upon request we can provide a transcript of the entire course. You can read along while the video is playing. Our hope is to someday include subtitles on all our courses.
Do you provide scholarships?
Yes! We want all parents, regardless of their ability to pay, to have access to this life-changing information. Go to this scholarship page and fill out the form.
I need my kids to take responsibility for their chores. Will this course help?
In session one, you’ll begin to learn the brain science of arguing that will help everyone during conflict. You will learn about a heart shift that enables you to ask questions that get below the surface of what is happening.
In session two you’ll learn to grow wisdom for life with a long-range view.
In session three, you’ll learn a four-step process to walk your kids through expectations and then hold them accountable in a kind and firm way.
By the time you’re done with all four sessions, you’ll be able to ask a curious question and listen to understand your child. You will learn how to respond and when to say what you need to say. You will catch a vision and experience greater teamwork in your house.
Is the course mainly parenting teaching, or do you also dive deep into a biblical parenting perspective backed up by scripture?
Our course content is biblical but not so much so that it would be uncomfortable for someone who doesn’t have a Christian faith background. We incorporate scripture throughout our material.
How soon after registering will we receive access to the materials?
Immediately! Once you have registered, you have instant access to the course.