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SM co parent sees things differently Ep 178

My Co-Parent Sees Things Differently | Ep. 178

What do you do when you disagree with your partner about how to parent? Perhaps it is even causing a rift in your family. You feel strongly about how to parent your kids but feel stuck on knowing how to…

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SM micromanage our kids Ep 177

Are You Micromanaging Your Kids? Here’s How to Stop | Ep. 177

Listen in as we talk with Chad Hayenga (Connected Families Director of Education and Equipping) about parental anxiety and micromanagement, and how these can negatively impact your relationship with your child. Chad and Stacy (podcast host) discuss common scenarios that…

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SM Nyvall Make it right Ep 176

Make-It-Right Consequences for Kids | Ep. 176

Start teaching your kids the first steps toward reconciliation and restoration by using “make it right” consequences in their relationships. Parent coach Amy Nyvall shares personal stories illustrating how she has taught her kids to take responsibility for their actions…

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SM Luisa Spanish Framework Ep 1 and 2

Segundo Episodio en Español! Principios para la crianza de una familia conectada, parte 2.

¡Escucha este segundo episodio especial del pódcast de Connected Families! Donde Luisa Wendt entrevista a Esther y Roberto Reich acerca del marco de referencia de Connected Families. Los tres son asesores en la crianza certificados por Connected Families y hablarán…

Read MoreSegundo Episodio en Español! Principios para la crianza de una familia conectada, parte 2.