It’s normal to be overwhelmed
Parenting is hard, and it’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed at times. You are not alone. Most parents will feel overwhelmed at some point. Like gut-punching, tornado-of-a-house, kids-hurting-each-other, the-keys-are-missing, I-want-to-curl-up-in-a-ball overwhelmed.
You don’t want to get stuck there, but how can you possibly climb out of this feeling?
Parenting is hard. And we don’t make it easier on ourselves.
Replace the lies with grace and truth
These are lies, and they are the opposite of the grace that God wants you to know. Whether they pop up occasionally or are an ever-present companion, you know they aren’t healthy and are making parenting harder.
But how do you shut out the lies?
Replacing lies with God’s truth is possible when we “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”
Easier said than done. But it is possible!
And our team at Connected Families wants to walk with you on this grace-filled, life-giving road.
Watch this short video to learn how The Connected Families Framework works when parenting just feels too hard.
Not ready to read everything at once?
No problem. Sign up for our “Overwhelmed” email sequence and you’ll receive a 4-part email series to get you started.
Grab a friend or two and dig deeper
We’ve developed an online course called Grace and Truth for Moms that is specifically designed for small groups. Whether you are a group of 2 or a group of 12, our hope is that you will benefit from the honest and heartfelt discussion that this course will generate.
Know your strengths.
Yes, parenting is hard. But you’ve been called to the job, and God has equipped you to do it. He will not leave you or forsake you in your parenting.
When you feel overwhelmed or that you are a “bad parent,” it’s so hard to see the good in your parenting. But it’s there! Take our 15-minute parenting assessment to celebrate what you are doing well, as well as take note on the areas for improvement.
Our latest on grace & truth when parenting is hard
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Joyful Kids: What’s the Secret? | Ep. 183
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The God of Play: Joyfully Embrace the Playful Side of God With Your Kids | Ep. 182
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Stories of Transformation… from “Fixing” to Connecting | Ep. 180
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Become the Self-Aware Parent You Want to Be | Ep. 173
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Max Lucado: Just In Case You Ever Feel Alone | Ep. 172
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