Search Results for sensory

Our Favorite Books and Parenting Resources
Have you checked out our parenting resources? Connected Families has many fantastic parenting books and e-courses. If you’ve never checked out those resources, take a look at those first. Many...

Help! My Child Keeps Unbuckling and the Kids are Spitting! | Ep. 69 The Connected Families Framework, and the power of asking wise questions to impart wisdom (instead of just managing behavior) How to search for the underlying issues (such as sensory)...

Painfully Shy: A Promising Story of Facing One Child’s Social Anxiety
...and/or insecure Children that resist participating in social situations may be sensitive to the sensory stimulation of new people or groups. Or they may be insecure about what they will do or say and...

Here’s How to Seize the Opportunity When Your Child Feels Distant
...for you. You are not alone. A good friend of ours had young children wired similarly to our children: intense, hypersensitive to sensory experiences, and exceptionally active. It was hard,...

Media Mentions
...Mom Alone – Helping your Child with Sensory Processing Issues PODCAST: 07-11-2019 – Hope Reclaimed – Honesty and Communication in Marriage PODCAST: 04-30-2019 – Intoxicated on Life – Connection Before Correction (Part 2) PODCAST: 04-30-2019 – Intoxicated on...

Grace & Truth for Moms
...loads of experience from raising her spirited crew of three. Additionally, she has over 25 years of experience as a pediatric occupational therapist specializing in kids with sensory processing disorders...

...helping children. Jim worked in youth ministry leadership beginning in 1985, and Lynne focused her Occupational Therapy efforts on young people’s sensory needs beginning in 1987. As Lynne and Jim...

When Parenting Seems About to Boil Over
...he was very delayed in all areas during his first year of development and also struggled with many sensory difficulties. From the onset, our parenting included lots of prayer, searching...

Parenting Tips Blog
...Child School, Grades, & Homework Screen Use Sensitive & Intense Kids Sensory Sibling Conflict Sleep Mealtime Parenting Teens Parenting Preschoolers Coach My Child Is Always So Negative; What Do I...

Are You or Your Child Addicted to Anger?
...situational stress, discouragement, or rejection? Or, quite commonly, experiencing sensory overload. If you prayerfully consider what might be feeding your child’s stress, you can work to soothe some of those...