Pausing our content to lament. Will you join us?
This week we were supposed to launch a new online course, and had all sorts of plans around the content and marketing for that course. We’ve decided, instead, to hit a big pause button on all content, all social media, and all marketing. We want to provide space for our team and the Connected Families community to lament. Will you join us?
For our African American brothers and sisters:
We hurt for you. We grieve with you. We commit to continue listening and learning. We ask, if you are willing, to call us out anytime you see implicit bias in any of our content. We are sorry we haven’t added BIPOC voices more intentionally in our strategy. Please forgive us. Please let us know if you have an interest in being a voice in our efforts to make this right.
For all others who may feel marginalized:
Please keep talking to us and sharing your grief, your pain, and your frustration. We want to hear and are listening.
For those who live outside of the United States:
Please keep praying for us! We believe that healing is possible and that we, the Church, can be part of that healing.
For those in the CF community who are white/Eurocentric:
We implore you to take this time to grieve and lament. And then listen. A great place to start listening (really, wherever you are on your journey), is the podcast OnRamp by Kerri Fisher & Shane Blackshear. There are 2 seasons – 23 episodes. Start at the beginning.
For all of us:
The way we talk to our children now will help us stay more accountable to making constructive changes in our own lives, as well as equipping our children to be agents of positive change as they mature. Here are some places to start:
- A Kids Book About Racism – a simple but poignant little book to read with your kids
- A list of 27 books to help you talk to your kids about racism.*
Our commitment to you:
We will continue providing you with the best possible biblically-based parenting resources we can. Our greatest desire is to raise up a generation of people who love God and love others deeply. Who seek to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. (Micah 6:8)
Lord, hear our prayer:
Oh, Lord, give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and courage to act as we listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting. May we not walk ahead or lag behind. May we keep in step with YOU. Help us to be part of your plan to bless all people. Give us discernment in these days of mourning and reflection about your redemptive plan. Be glorified!
With deep sorrow and unshaking hope,
Your friends at Connected Families
*Editors note: we know there are a LOT of books out there to talk to your kids about racism. In an effort to get book ideas onto your radar screen as soon as possible we did not have a chance to fully evaluate or read every book on this list. We trust you will read reviews and discern for yourself what book(s) to bring into your home.