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Are We Hardwired to Connect? Part 1-Ep.71

Are you longing for practical parenting resources that address both the spiritual and the scientific? Why are they both important? God created our souls, brains, and bodies, and He wants us to understand His creation. Research affirms the biblical truth…

Motivate Praise NW 1

4 Steps to Change Your Child’s Behavior

Ever tried to change your child’s behavior? Or, how many times in the last hour, have you actually tried to change your child’s behavior?  If you’re like most parents, too often our methods go something like,  “Uhhh! If I’ve told…

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Teach Your Child to Have a Growth Mindset with These Four Steps | Ep. 70

Have you heard the buzz about having a “growth mindset”* versus a “fixed mindset”? How can you teach your child to have a growth mindset? When our kids lack the skills to do what we are asking them to do…