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SM Framework Class Management Ep 202

Practical Classroom Management Strategies That Work | Ep. 202

Are you a teacher working to create a nurturing classroom environment while managing behavior well? Whether you teach in a school or volunteer at church, this conversation is for you. Dr. Cindy Wilson, Partnership Program Manager at Connected Families, and…

Read MorePractical Classroom Management Strategies That Work | Ep. 202
SM Overcoming Nicole Wilke Ep 201

Overcoming: How Adversity, Challenges & Childhood Trauma Can Shape Our Children in Positive Ways | Ep. 201

Dr. Nicole Wilke joins us to talk about what it takes to raise kids who can overcome everything from daily challenges to childhood trauma. Nicole discusses nurturing resilience by reframing challenges positively and the importance of fostering your child’s connection…

Read MoreOvercoming: How Adversity, Challenges & Childhood Trauma Can Shape Our Children in Positive Ways | Ep. 201
SM resilience JimLynne Ep 200 1

Resilient Children Are Raised, Not Born | Ep. 200

Join us for a powerful conversation with Jim and Lynne Jackson about raising resilient children. They encourage you to focus on the process and long-term perspective of building character and identity rather than focusing on the result of the task…

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SM resilience JimLynne Ep 200 1

BONUS Episode: Exciting Podcast News! | Ep. 199

You may have heard our exciting news: The Connected Families podcast has reached an amazing milestone – two million listens! 🎉 We’re touched by how many of you have tuned in from across the US and around the world over…

Read MoreBONUS Episode: Exciting Podcast News! | Ep. 199