Chores: The Constant Challenge
You’ve tried every trick in the book to get your kids to do basic chores. And your kids try every trick in the book to resist. You never would have dreamed of sassing back to your parents about chores the…

Mom to Mom:
Last weekend, in honor of Mothers’ Day, we asked the women in our Facebook and Instagram communities what advice, encouragement, or insight they would give to moms just starting out on their parenting journey. One consistent theme emerged: GRACE –…

“I will love you simply because you are my son.”
One of the things we love most at Connected Families is when parents contact us to tell us how our resources have made a positive impact in their parenting journey. Check out this letter from a dad (Royston)* living in…

Two Questions That Defuse Almost Any Conflict
After working with parents for over twenty years we have learned that there are two critical questions that help guide children toward wisdom. The problem is that parents are so focused on stopping the problem that they frequently miss the…

Whose Life Is It Anyway?
Spoiled kids are in the news again – or rather parents who spoil kids. In 2012 we wrote about the problem of entitlement and offered some ways to solve it. We even created an online course to equip parents to…