Loving the PARENT of Your Reality
As you head into the holiday season there’s a good chance you’ll spend more time with your extended family than you typically would. With that in mind, we invite you to observe and think about your relationship with your parents…
“Our Gentleness Gave Way to Harshness & Yelling”
It was a little over a year ago that Chalise stumbled upon Connected Families. At that time she was full of frustration and exasperation. Her desire to raise her children with attachment-based-parenting had faltered as she faced the children of…
The Power of Joy
“Choose Joy!” is a phrase Jim repeated and prayed every morning on his mission trips with high risk teens. These were kids prone to depression, anger, and sarcasm. However, they all benefited when they were encouraged to choose joy. Along…
Thanksgiving Greetings
On a day we set aside to give thanks, Lynne and I wanted to share with you what we are most thankful for: For the privilege of serving together each day. We love being both co-workers, best friends, and…
My Child Is Not My Report Card
Several years ago Meg became acquainted with Connected Families. While she was listening to the Grace and Truth for Moms message, she was struck by this powerful thought, “I’m so glad Jesus is my report card, not the kids!” See if…