Thanksgiving Greetings
On a day we set aside to give thanks, Lynne and I wanted to share with you what we are most thankful for: For the privilege of serving together each day. We love being both co-workers, best friends, and…

My Child Is Not My Report Card
Several years ago Meg became acquainted with Connected Families. While she was listening to the Grace and Truth for Moms message, she was struck by this powerful thought, “I’m so glad Jesus is my report card, not the kids!” See if…

Give Your Family a THANKS-filled Thanksgiving
It’s a wonderful time of year to be sure. But in the midst of family gatherings, school concerts, company parties, shopping, and numerous social gatherings, the wonder of it all can be hard to see – especially if the stress…

“I Was Meeting HIS Disrespect with MY Disrespect”
November is adoption/foster care awareness month. We often have the privilege of coaching parents who have built their families through adoption. Even though adoption can add intensity and complexity, the challenges adoptive families face are ones we can all relate…

“Mommy, I’m Gonna KILL You!”
After decades working with parents one of our favorite things continues to be hearing from parents transformed by the Connected Families Framework. We love to hear stories of long-term goals and changes that bring deeper connection. The following story was…