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Teach Your Child to Have a Growth Mindset with These Four Steps | Ep. 70

Have you heard the buzz about having a “growth mindset”* versus a “fixed mindset”? How can you teach your child to have a growth mindset? When our kids lack the skills to do what we are asking them to do…

Read MoreTeach Your Child to Have a Growth Mindset with These Four Steps | Ep. 70
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Help! My Child Keeps Unbuckling and the Kids are Spitting! | Ep. 69

Your child keeps unbuckling their seatbelt in a tantrum while you are driving down a busy road. One of your kids spits at his sibling when he gets angry. What do you do when your child has big emotions and…

Read MoreHelp! My Child Keeps Unbuckling and the Kids are Spitting! | Ep. 69