Build Your Easter on the Cross

Easter: The day when we sit through church together, and then VROOM! On to the… Ham. Potatoes. Egg hunts. Chocolate bunnies. Bright baskets overflowing with treats.

It’s easy for our Easter celebration to focus on fun, lively traditions that have little to do with all that Jesus accomplished through his death and resurrection. What are our kids likely to conclude about what’s important to us, based on the way we celebrate this wonderful, richly spiritual holiday?

At Connected Families, we are committed to helping you grow as a connected family – connected to God, to each other, and to your purposes in this world. So this week’s invitation is to watch a wonderful documentary with your kids – clips from Billy Graham’s ministry of proclaiming the Good News of the Cross interwoven with the engaging stories of two different young people (a singer and a rapper) whose lives were transformed by Christ. It is about half an hour and is most appropriate for school age kids/teens.

Billy Graham - The Cross

When the video ends, take some time for discussion and prayer as a family.

  • Ask everyone: How did it feel to watch this? What stood out? What questions do you have? Share your answers, too. Keep it brief unless the kids are really engaged.
  • Invite your kids, if they have not, to pray to be forgiven and trust Jesus. Then pray together as a family – even read the prayer under the video as a family.

If your kids are too young to grasp the video, simply get out a children’s bible and read the Easter story from Luke 24. Pull out the markers, paints, and play-doh to make their favorite parts of the story come alive. And don’t just set them up with supplies, “get in touch with your inner child” and make your own masterpiece alongside them. Talk about what you love about Easter, or share a verse about Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Then at the end of your Easter celebration, smile about how you took the opportunity to share the best news ever with your kids!

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Jim and Lynne Jackson
Jim and Lynne Jackson
Articles: 227