Become a Parent Coach
Guide parents into peace and connection in their homes
Are you passionate about helping families grow in connection and peace? Has the Connected Families Framework been a tool you love, both in your home and/or your practice?
It is our privilege to equip new parent coaches, as they utilize the Framework in supporting more families. By coming alongside you, whether you’re a counselor, a pastor, or a social worker, we love watching the impact multiplied through YOU.
Become a Connected Families certified parent coach
A Connected Families parent coach comes alongside parents for a season of time to inspire and equip them using our biblically-based Framework. Coaching is a forward-focused approach that identifies where a family is currently while encouraging and providing tools to help them reach their preferred future.
Why coaching?
Learn why Connected Families offers coaching rather than therapy in this article by Chad Hayenga.
I wanted to help families, not just teens, because behind hurting teens are hurting parents. Upon getting licensed as a therapist, I began seeing teens in a therapeutic context, but saw little change in families as a result. I found that in many cases the teens’ issues were closely related to how they were parented, and that much of my work with teens was aimed at helping them cope with their parents. So I quit doing therapy with teens to focus on coaching parents.
Here’s what Michelle said after completing the program:
“I just have a real heart for children to know Jesus and to be in a place where they can spiritually thrive. And so that for me was the draw for Connected Families. I chose Connected Families because the framework is the gospel. When a parent is parenting in a way that comes from the place of grace, of truth, of love, then they are modeling Jesus for their children. ” – Michelle Davidson, Sparrow Ministrees
Questions you might have
What happens if I don’t complete Phase 1 in 3 – 6 months?
Six months is the maximum for how long we think the certification program should take. If you need more time, let us know and we will seek to find a solution.
Does the Phase 1 registration fee cover the cost of the books, online course, and coaching?
After you apply and interview, if you are invited into Phase 1, your Phase 1 payment will be due. When payment is received, we will send both Discipline That Connects and How to Grow a Connected Family. If you already have these books, you may pass them along to encourage another parent.
If you live internationally, we will work with you on a case-by-case basis.
If you’ve already taken the course, great job! You are on your way! If you haven’t we will give you a special code to access the course for free (included in your phase 1 payment). We are unable to reduce the cost of phase 1 if you’ve already paid for and taken the course.
Several coaches have joined the coaching certification program after coming to us for coaching! Phase 1 payment allows for another four sessions of coaching as a part of the Phase 1 payment.
What is the going rate for coaching sessions? I’d like to understand ROI before moving forward.
At Connected Families, we have a suggested rate of $480 for a four-session coaching package. As an individual practitioner, you can set your own rate based on your experience, clientele, location, etc.
Will CF help me find clients?
The certification program equips you to work effectively with parents. If you are certified, we will endorse you on our website. You will need to network and find your own clients.
Do you offer scholarships to go through the program?
We offer two scholarships per year for those who are in ministry with underserved people groups either in the United States or internationally. The requirement for ongoing scholarship and certification is that you may not charge for your services. If you choose to begin charging, we’ll ask that you pay the phase 3 amount annually.
Do I need to use all of the Connected Families Framework or can I vary my approach and pick and choose what I use?
If you are gaining parent coaching clients by promoting yourself as a Connected Families certified parent coach we would expect that you stick closely to the framework. It is important to us that we keep the essence and fidelity of our framework. We would desire and expect that you would add your personal anecdotes and tweaks that truly make it your own while maintaining the core of the CF Framework. The CF coaching workbook easily guides the coaching conversations.
How can I be sure the CF Parent Coaching Certification Program is right for me?
The four-session coaching package with a CF coach is required for all who enter the certification process. It is helpful on the parenting front but also helps potential coaches get a strong sense about whether it’s a good fit. We also work to screen potential coaches to make sure it is beneficial for all!
Does the price need to be paid up front, or can it be paid in monthly or quarterly installments?
If you begin Phase 2 in April (for example), we would ask that you pay annually each year in April. We’ll send an invoice annually as a reminder. We can work with installments if needed.
During phase 2 what does the eight two-hour check-in meetings entail?
During your first year of certification, you’ll meet 8 times through video platform with Chad Hayenga along with other CF staff and parent coaches who are going through the certification process. These are 2 hours in length and are interactive. They are intended to cement what you’ve learned, be an encouragement to your practice, while also growing your toolkit.
Do I NEED to charge for coaching services?
Absolutely not! You can use your coaching certification however you see fit. However, we do believe it is a valuable resource and is worth charging at the minimum a nominal fee for your expertise and time.
Churches might consider investing in a key lay-leader to become their certified CF Parent Coach.
After phase 2 (when I am certified) can I say I’m a CF Certified Coach even if I don’t go on to Phase 3?
For community building and quality assurance purposes, we request that coaches stay in Phase 3. However, if you choose to no longer participate your name and website link will be removed from our website.
Can your status be “inactive” for a period of time in Phase 3?
Yes! However, we would ask that you plan ahead and let us know that is your intention rather than retroactively ask for your status to be moved to inactive. Due to administrative complexities, we will be unable to reimburse your annual certification fee.