Tag attention

How to Stop Attention-Seeking Behavior Before It Starts
Some kids need a lot of attention. And they still want more. It can be pretty frustrating. Maybe you feel ready to do anything to stop your kids’ attention-seeking behavior. In fact, sometimes it turns into an adversarial relationship.…
Don’t Get Busted by Your Kids: Watch, Ask, and Listen!
A mother of five told us that her older children once “busted” her and her husband with an insightful observation: “We know you’re not listening when you say, ‘Wow, that’s great!’” The children were able to discern that the parents…

Are You “Present” with Your Kids?
Most of us would agree there are many theories on the best way to educate our children. There’s public schools, private schools, charter schools, home schools, co-ops, and any combination of these! Regardless of which paradigm you have for the best…

Why Your Discipline Often Backfires
Jayden has been struggling to sit still at the table. Each time he gets antsy he gets a warning. “If you keep that up you’ll get a time out!” He settles down for a moment and dinner carries on. But…

Why Do Kids Tantrum?
Simply stated, kids have tantrums because they pay off. In some convoluted sort of way they get what they want. Even if it means they lose their cool and wear themselves out. The challenge for a parent is determining what exactly a…
Why Do My Kids Misbehave to Get My Attention? [video]
Recently, Connected Families Co-Founder Lynne Jackson sat down with Connected Families Coach Chad Hayenga to get his thoughts on why kids misbehave to get our attention and how we can help them to get our attention in healthy ways instead. Click…

How to Deal with an Attention Addict
Recently, on a weekend when all our kids were home, we dug out the family videos for a trip down memory lane (or, in the case of our daughter-in-law, a crash-course in Jackson family history). Our kids’ childhood antics…