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SM agape love JimLynne Ep 193

Agape Love: The Surprising Time Your Child Needs It Most | Ep 193

Showing love is easy when your child is doing well, but what does it look like to extend selfless agape love to a child who is misbehaving? Listen in as Jim and Lynne Jackson, Connected Families Co-Founders, share about receiving…

SM Connect with teenager Ep 174

How to Talk to Your Child About Difficult Topics (Part 2) | Ep. 192

Expanding on last week’s episode, Josh and Rachel Keller use role-plays to show how you can engage in a difficult conversation with your child. They offer insights for choosing a time and place that will help foster meaningful dialogue and…

SM being a great grandparent Ep 184

How to Be a Great Grandparent to Your Grandkids (and Their Parents!)| Ep. 184

Two grandmothers, Dijea Young and Cindy Stonestreet (who also happen to be Connected Families Certified Parent Coaches) chat about the role of play in grandparenting and how they’re learning to be great grandmothers. Cindy and Dijea share personal stories about…

SM god of play Joy Wendling Ep 182

The God of Play: Joyfully Embrace the Playful Side of God With Your Kids | Ep. 182

Today, we talk with Joy Wendling, Connected Families Certified Parent Coach and founder of Created to Play, about helping kids come to love God wholeheartedly. Faith can sometimes feel serious or heady, but God is also the God of play,…

SM play w child like a therapist Ep 181

How to Play with Kids Like a Therapist Would | Ep. 181

Two therapists chat about the benefits of play and how to incorporate play therapy into your family’s routine. The end goal: More connection with your child and a more regulated child. It’s a win-win! In this podcast episode, Lynne Jackson,…

SM stories of transformation Fauver Ep 180

Stories of Transformation… from “Fixing” to Connecting | Ep. 180

We chat with Lindsay Fauver, a mom from the Connected Families community, about her parenting journey with a child who experiences anxiety, sensory challenges, and challenging behaviors. Lindsay shares how she has gained new understanding and tools to support her…