Tag core beliefs
Here’s How to Seize the Opportunity When Your Child Feels Distant
“My daughter is distant from me.” How often have parents repeated these words? Or maybe it’s your son that is emotionally distant these days. The truth is, all relationships hit low points at times. For some kids, distance is their…
Where Do Parenting Reflexes Come From?
On the journey of parenting, many of us find that we have some typical “parenting reflexes” that are often our default response. Some of this comes from instinct — as when we instinctively move to comfort a crying child. But…
The Parenting Pitfall We All Get Stuck In
There’s a parenting pitfall that nearly all parents get stuck in at some point: “If my child behaves well, I am a good parent. If my child misbehaves, I am a bad parent.” Stated so bluntly, it’s obviously not true,…
When Connecting with Kids Just Feels… Awkward
Have you ever tried to connect with your child and just felt… awkward? This is not uncommon. Parents sometimes express to us that connection can be awkward, such as, “We just aren’t a huggy family.” Feelings of awkwardness around one form…
My Kids’ Messes Drive Me CRAZY!
For years I have struggled with the mess that our lively, spontaneous, creative, frequently disorganized children made at high speed. I used to call it “Trash and Dash.” Since their father has somewhat more “relaxed” standards of housekeeping than I…
What to Do When You Dislike Your Child
During the very difficult years of early parenting, I would go through long times of despair, as well as periods of dislike for one or more of my children. I felt horribly guilty as well as angry with my family…