Tag Faith & Your Child

The 3 Most Important (and Most Overlooked) Reasons to Be Thankful to God
It’s common at Thanksgiving to focus our gratitude on the gathering, great food, our material comforts, our possessions, enjoyable relationships, and other beautiful blessings. These are blessings for sure! “All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if…

Let Creation Declare the Glory of God to Your Kids: Tips To Get Your Kids Outside More
You talk with your kids about God and faith issues. They hear Bible stories from you and Sunday School teachers. But there’s something that you can give to your kids beyond words to help them grow in awe of God,…

Four Simple Ways to Teach Your Child About God
Do you want to teach your child about God but aren’t sure how to do it? If you’re reading this, you likely desire for your kids to grow up with strong character and a solid relationship with God. But how…

Struggling at the Family Dinner Table? How to Come Together & Enjoy
Did you know the most important piece of furniture in your home might be the family dinner table? And the quality of construction doesn’t matter. It’s all about the quality of connection you and your children cultivate over the years…