Tag no

Dear Exhausted Mom, Here’s Why You Might Say “Yes” When Your Child Begs You to Play
As a parent, you probably know something about the relentless requests of children. For a host of reasons, often these requests get especially aimed at moms. Get around a group of women, and chances are you’ll find at least one…

How to Say “No” to Kids Without the Power Struggles
Think about how it usually goes: Your child focuses on a goal (even if it is a really bad goal like “teaching little sister a lesson”), 😆 and then you come in with big energy, and a firm,“No!” We all…

Help Kids Handle “NO” by Getting Great at “YES!”
If you want your kids to respect and value your “no’s!” work harder on your “yeses!” It’s good to teach kids the various “No’s!” in life. The best foundation for doing this is to help them habitually experience the resounding…
What to do when your kids give you a defiant “NO”
When kids say “No!” parents tend to react rather than respond. Reacting tends to lead to unconstructive power struggles that follow this basic pattern: Child: “No!” Parent: “Yes!” Child: “No!” Parent: “Yes or else!” Child: “I don’t care!” Parent: “Well…