Tag stress

Beat the Monday Blues with Sunday Lavender
In a coaching session, Karen shared that their family’s weekly schedule seemed to take them captive every Sunday night. Lilly, their third-grader, unofficially declared it “Moan and groan about Monday morning” time. The whole family would get drawn into her…

The Golden Opportunity of “I’m so STUPID!”
“I’m so stupid, I’m SO STUPID!” Most parents at some point are faced with a discouraged, self-condemning child. That’s painful to hear. Our anxiety often drives us to try to talk a child out of their opinion, in an effort…
Helping Kids Deal with Trauma [video]
Broken bones, scary surgeries, or moving to a new school — all these things can be traumatic experiences for kids to handle. How can parents best help their kids survive and even learn from difficult situations? To answer this question,…

When Kids Act Up, Don’t Try to Be More Patient…
There are certain time when kids seem especially prone to “pushing our buttons”: after Christmas, after birthdays, summertime, and the list goes on. Kids have trouble figuring out “sharing patterns” for their stuff, everyone’s jazzed on sugar and tired from disrupted…

Adapting Christmas…for children who joined your family through adoption
Today’s post is from our friends, Colleen & Dave Little. They are the parents of three grown men and two vivacious young-adult daughters who joined their family through adoption. Together, Dave & Colleen meet with, and minister to parents whose…

The Gift of Not Giving:
Have you noticed that Christmas aisles seem to be stocked earlier and earlier these days? Commercials for Black Friday “doorbusters” are rampant, and there is even controversy about some stores beginning their sales on Thanksgiving Day. The holiday materialism debate is not new: on…

Video: Sensory Input Techniques to Calm and Focus your Child
Got a child with sensory sensitivity? Check out Lynne’s helpful therapy techniques to help calm and focus your child! Sign up below to receive a weekly dose of encouragement straight to your inbox:

What You Really Need for Mother’s Day
Hint: It’s not flowers, or chocolates, or a day at the spa! Mother’s Day. The one day a year when we moms are officially recognized for working our fannies off to be “all things to all people.” The other 364…

Your Family and Youth Sports: Maximize the Learning – Minimize the Stress
I’m a coach for my son’s 5th grade football team. I’ve learned the basics of coaching, how to break things down to teach skills that will help the team succeed. I love the game, the kids, the coaches. It’s…