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Does Attachment Style Matter? | Ep. 101

Your relationship with your child might feel “off,” but you’re not sure why. Could it be that the way you were parented impacts the way you parent? Your attachment style affects all your most important relationships – from spouse to…

NW qualls podcasts 1

What Causes Anger Issues in a Child? | Ep. 46

What do you do when your child gets angry? What causes anger issues in a child? When kids respond with angry, aggressive behavior, stress and fear are often the underlying emotions. Children who have experienced trauma often react with heightened…

NW qualls podcasts

Parenting Kids from Hard Places with Unique Needs | Ep. 45

Are you parenting a child through adoption or foster care? Are you struggling with bonding to your child or their attachment to you? Your feelings of isolation and discouragement can be very real and overwhelming.  As an adoptive parent, maybe…