Are We Dealing Drugs To Our Children?
Did you know you may inadvertently be dealing “drugs” to your children? Dopamine has been called the brain’s “pleasure chemical.” It is released when pleasure is experienced. It creates healthy motivation to pursue various life-giving pleasures such as accomplishing a…

Persistent Kids, Peers, and Pace of Life
Entitlement. If we mention the “E-word” in one of our workshops there are audible groans and eye-rolling. Parents are overwhelmed by this complex problem which seems to be spiraling out of control. Last year we surveyed parents about their top…

What Could Have Ruined Our Marriage
During our 30+ years of marriage we had occasionally heard of couples ending their marriage due to infidelity. But, for whatever reason, in 2015 Lynne and I heard story after story of marriages falling apart caused by affairs. It broke…

From Power Struggles to Peace at Meals
help for kids who are picky

Fighting For Love – Even When It’s Hard
Valentine’s Day and anniversaries are often viewed as a barometer for our romantic relationship. But it’s NOT roses and romance a couple days a year that define a relationship — it’s the deep commitment to fight for connection no matter…