How to Help Tattling Kids
“She called me a name!” “He hit me!” When one child “tells on” another, we call that “tattling.” It can be difficult to confront the kid who feels the need to expose all the other kids’ misbehaviors. Actually, tattling tends to…

Teach Kids Responsibility
Kids make messes. Parents ask and ask (and it really sounds like nagging) their kids to take responsibility for their things and it seems like it is hard to come up with a strategy that works. At Connected Families, we believe…

6 Practical Ways To Show Love to Kids
One of the best times to show love to your kids is when they are misbehaving. Anger, frustration, and lecturing are standard reactions to a kid who does something wrong, but do they work to change behavior? I worked with…

Would Jesus Say “Black Lives Matter”?
I believe that if Jesus came to us today, he would in some way say to all of us, “Black lives matter!* Be humble, listen, and love with my love.” My heart is troubled. As I look at the various…

Creating Memorable Moments With Your Family This Summer
Making meaningful memories is one of the best parts of summer. How are you doing during this season? Have you been able to create memorable moments together? Connected Families consists of people like you, moms and dads who want what’s…