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From Quirky to Distressing: Understanding Sensory Sensitivities | Ep. 219

Sensory Sensitivities

If you’ve got a child who complains about the volume of the microwave or who won’t venture into the living room without turning off the overhead lights, this conversation on sensory sensitivities is for you! Listen in as Stacy Bellward interviews Lynne Jackson (Occupational Therapist and Connected Families Co-Founder) Together they dig into parenting sensitive and intense children, focusing on sensory processing challenges. Lynn emphasizes trusting parental intuition and explains how sensory issues can be potential gifts when managed well.

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Guest Bio:

Lynne Jackson, OTR is one of the Co-Founders of Connected Families. As a parent coach and mom of three intense kids herself, Lynne has walked alongside hundreds of parents to encourage and bring hope. She is also a research enthusiast and loves leaning into the brain science and research to better equip parents and caregivers. Most importantly, as a follower of Christ, she brings biblical wisdom, abundant grace, and a “no shame” policy.

© 2025 Connected Families

Sensitive kids with angry outburst can also have intense happy energy.


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A Connected Families Podcast
A Connected Families Podcast
Articles: 217