When Doing My Best Isn’t Good Enough | Ep. 18

17 DAD podcast best isnt good enough 1 1In this podcast episode, Jim and Chad take a deeper dive into the dynamics of dads’ good intentions with their kids. If you sometimes feel like you’re doing your best and it’s just not good enough, be encouraged and equipped by the ideas in this practical podcast.

In this podcast you’ll:

  • listen as Jim shares some helpful insights from his own relationship with his dad. 
  • hear a roleplay illustrating typical default parenting and the messages kids may actually be receiving.
  • be given examples demonstrating how to communicate messages of grace and truth to your kids in clear and practical ways.
1080 what messages is child getting 1 1

Whether you are a dad (or mom!) who’s raising toddlers, tweens, or teens these deep and heartfelt principles can help change the trajectory of your family for generations to come. We invite you to listen to the rest of this podcast series and be encouraged to lead your family with grace

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