Are We Hardwired to Connect? Part 1-Ep.71

Hardwired to connect

Are you longing for practical parenting resources that address both the spiritual and the scientific? Why are they both important? God created our souls, brains, and bodies, and He wants us to understand His creation. Research affirms the biblical truth that you and your kids are hardwired to connect. The science of connection combined with the wisdom of God’s Word are the heartbeat of all we do and teach at Connected Families. 

You won’t want to miss today’s Connected Families podcast! The Connected Families Framework is compelling and effective. Why? Because of the unique and powerful intersection of science and the Bible.

In today’s episode, Stacy Bellward (podcast host) is joined by Jim and Lynne Jackson (co-founders of Connected Families). Together they will discuss how you can be empowered as a parent to form a deep and meaningful connection with your child. Learn to utilize scientific research as you implement biblical truth in your parenting to unlock your child’s heart. Instead of a quick behavior fix, turn your child’s heart toward wisdom built on a foundation of love, safety, and connection. 

You’ll be equipped in your parenting as you learn about:

  • How the latest research applies to and is interwoven into, the first two levels of the Connect Families Framework (“You are SAFE with me.” and “You are LOVED no matter what.”)
  • How the science of connection affirms biblical truth in parenting
  • A powerful sequence to address behavior used by the FBI that you can use in your parenting
  • Practical ways you can implement the Connected Families Framework in daily life 

Scripture references and resources mentioned in this episode:


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A Connected Families Podcast
A Connected Families Podcast
Articles: 212