Learning Hub
Jim and Lynne Jackson

Jim and Lynne Jackson

Biblical Discipline 2

Biblical Discipline

Disciplining our kids is usually the most frustrating, confusing part of parenting. The stakes are high because what kids learn when they are disciplined will last a lifetime. In our work with parents, we have seen that well-intentioned efforts often…

Announcing our new tagline!

Hey friends, We’re excited to introduce our new tagline to those of you who helped form it. With your fantastic suggestions regarding the value you find through Connected Families, we condensed and interpreted what you told us.  Here it is:…

Big Do Over

The Big Do-Over

Here is another story from Joel and Amy Nelson, parents of two sons, who have previously shared their story here. Enjoy! Parenting may not come with a manual, but I sure have read a lot of the parenting books out…