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Parenting Tips Blog

Grace-filled, science-based, and trauma-informed parenting articles and podcasts

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Growing Maturity in Your Child

Growing Maturity in Your Child

Joslyn and Mike’s sensitive 4-year-old Tyler had perfected the art of out-of-control meltdowns, sassiness, and occasional aggression. When they came for coaching, they were exhausted from trying to manage this difficult behavior when it occurred. Through the coaching process Joslyn…

Letter to a Discouraged Parent

Letter to a Discouraged Parent

To the discouraged Mom in the third row, As I share a story from my own parenting journey, our eyes meet and I sense a sadness inside of you. You are here alone. Are you a single parent? Are you…

When Life Gets Sucked Out of Our Family

When Life Gets Sucked Out of Our Family

Sometimes technology feels out of control. I am chief offender in our home. Two hours can pass and, if I’m completely honest, I don’t really remember much of what I did, saw, or believed was so important. I recently came…