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Category Coach

Prep Your Kids for a Responsible School Year

Prep Your Kids for a Responsible School Year

Getting an education is a tremendous privilege. Most parents recognize that future opportunities are built on the many layers of learning that happen during the school years. That’s why when kids make poor choices at school, either behavioral or academic,…

How to Help Tattling Kids

How to Help Tattling Kids

“She called me a name!” “He hit me!” When one child “tells on” another, we call that “tattling.” It can be difficult to confront the kid who feels the need to expose all the other kids’ misbehaviors. Actually, tattling tends to…

Bellward Family Mission Trip

A Connected Family Story

One of the cool things about Connected Families is the people on our staff. We all understand that parenting takes a lot of work, a lot of intentional planning, and that the outcome is worth it. We, too, have been…

defiant jesus

The Power of Defiance

Jesus was defiant. He defied Satan’s temptation. He defied the religious structures of the day. He defied legalism. He even defied death. One of our problems as parents is that we treat our kids’ defiance as if it is entirely…

Copy of Trophy for Just Showing Up

Is Your Child Entitled to a Trophy?

A young mom queried me intently after our talk on Entitlement in kids. “What do you do about the culture around us that guarantees that every child is a “winner” at participating and receives a trophy, even for last place?”…