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Coaching Your Kids to Make It Right | Ep. 111

make it right

Do you sometimes struggle to think of an appropriate consequence for your child’s misbehavior?  Or dole out punishment only to have your child refuse to accept the punishment? Sigh. 

Offering consistent and effective discipline can feel like an ongoing and overwhelming challenge. 

In today’s episode, Chad Hayenga (Connected Families Director of Education & Equipping), and Katie Wetsell (Connected Families Certified Parent Coach) join Stacy Bellward (podcast host) to discuss what effective discipline can look like. (It IS possible!) The conversation explores the messages we send through discipline and how to coach children to be responsible for their actions.

In this podcast you’ll discover:

  • 3 key questions to ask in any discipline situation
  • how to work with your child as a team for more effective discipline
  • the opportunity in discipline to offer and receive God’s grace and forgiveness
  • how to help your child see the natural impacts of their behavior
  • how to guide your child to “make it right” 
  • how “paused privileges” can help motivate a child 

We hope that you have been encouraged by today’s podcast, and we look forward to getting to know you. Please check out our website, and don’t forget to reach out if you need help. It is a joy to be able to walk with you as you parent your kids in God’s grace and truth!

Mentioned in this podcast:

Guest Bio: 

Katie Wetsell is our Discipline That Connects online course moderator. She is also a Connected Families Certified Parent Coach, pediatric nurse, and mom of four through birth and adoption. She is passionate about encouraging and empowering parents to love their families with confidence and connection. Building on her bedside experience, she has also been trained in SPACE treatment (Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions) to help parents support their children in overcoming anxiety. Her website is www.parentwithhope.org.

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A Connected Families Podcast
A Connected Families Podcast
Articles: 217