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Food Struggles & Mealtime Madness | Ep. 187

food struggles

Perhaps your child always sits politely at the table and eats their Brussels sprouts, but for the rest of us, especially with a food-sensitive child or two, food struggles in families are real.

Today we talk to Emily Meade, RD, LD, a dietitian who wants to help us recapture some of the connection and joy that can happen in the kitchen and around the table. Emily discusses the importance of teaching children that their bodies are uniquely created by God, and she shares strategies for encouraging kids to try new foods without pressure. She also gives plenty of practical tips for meal planning and involving children in food prep to grow connection, wisdom, and life skills in the kitchen.

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Guest Bio:

Emily Meade is a wife and mama to three amazing kids, ages 6, 4, and 1-year-old. In addition to being home raising her children, Emily is also able to stay in practice as a Registered Dietitian doing one-on-one nutrition coaching part-time with a company called The Kôr Method. Emily enjoys cooking, gardening, staying active, serving at church, and spending time with her family.

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Do you find bedtime, screen use, chores, and meals to be sources of frustration instead of connection?

The Healthy Rhythms for Daily Life online courseis designed to help you break free from the chaos and establish predictable daily rhythms that work for your family. With thoughtful, Biblical insights and practical, science-based ideas, you’ll learn how to grow connection, wisdom, and health in your kids.

A Connected Families Podcast
A Connected Families Podcast
Articles: 216