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My child is not my report card…

Meet the Baros Family from Washington

Parents all over the world are experiencing “aha” moments of grace when things begin to change. Change in their hearts, their parenting motivation, their long-term parenting goals, and the way they see their kids. And, ultimately, their relationship with Christ.

Each week, we are excited to introduce you to parents who are able to finish the sentence, Things began to change when….” These stories of transformation are made possible because of the ongoing generosity of our Donor Team. This week, meet the Baros Family from Washington state.

Baros Family YE Profile 1

Before Connected Families, I felt like we knew what we wanted as parents but didn’t know how to get there. Looking back, we were probably more focused on behavior modification than character development. We were working to have a caring, fun-loving home and to make our home a safe place to have feelings (both positive and negative), but we didn’t have a formal playbook to follow like the Connected Families Framework.

We heard about Connected Families through a friend, signed up for parent coaching, and read/familiarized ourselves with the material. After the second coaching session, I felt a shift when I began to feel less emotionally tied to/controlled by the boys’ behavior. There was freedom there, and I thought to myself, “This stuff really works.” It was amazing.

A transformative moment at bedtime

At our house, bedtime is THE time when ALL the things come out.

At bedtime this particular evening, Jackson was upset that I was asking him to go to bed at the usual time (“too early for a 9-year-old,” he thinks). We finally made it to his bed, and I was ready to snuggle him. He told me to look at the door where a picture from a calendar was taped. He told me to look under the picture. I said, “It’s okay. I don’t think I really need to.” (I was really just ready for him to go to bed.) He then told me he made a hole in the door and covered it up. I miraculously took a breath, stayed calm, and said, “I love you more than a door, and we’ll figure out how we can make that right.” He made sure I knew it was an accident, and I didn’t press it.

I told him, “Good night,” and prayed over him just like I do every night (but which felt a bit different tonight.) I asked him, “Is there anything you can do to make me love you more? Is there anything you can do to make me love you less? Who else loves you like this? Jesus.”

After I left, I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me to write him a note and not mention the door. So, I got out a postcard that had parts of Psalm 139 on it and wrote him a note on how he brought such wonderful gifts to our family and how special and loved he is. The attitude and amount of affection he showed in the next couple of days was amazing! Before we dug into Connected Families, this scenario would have gone very differently.

“Things began to change when I realized my child is not my report card. I experienced freedom when I began to feel less emotionally tied to and controlled by my boys’ behavior.”

Katrina Baros

Will you make change?

Consider a generous year-end donation so more families can finish the sentence, “Things began to change when…”. All 2023 donors will receive a sticker sheet to remind you of some of what you’ve learned through Connected Families.

boy in the snow at night

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A friend of Connected Families
A friend of Connected Families
Articles: 46