Tag messes

Kids Don’t Listen? How to Stop Lecturing and Start Asking Better Questions
Every parent has those moments when it feels like you’re chatting with the wind. You want to impart wisdom and decrease your child’s stress, but their glazed eyes seem to repeat your fear: “My kids don’t listen to me.” As…

How to Say “No” to Kids Without the Power Struggles
Think about how it usually goes: Your child focuses on a goal (even if it is a really bad goal like “teaching little sister a lesson”), 😆 and then you come in with big energy, and a firm,“No!” We all…

It’s Not Defiance—It’s Science!
Pretty much every kid loves to experiment with chaos: dropping food, smearing things, investigating cupboards or containers, throwing toys — you name it, a toddler has probably gotten into it. It can be easy to get aggravated when your child…

My Kids’ Messes Drive Me CRAZY!
For years I have struggled with the mess that our lively, spontaneous, creative, frequently disorganized children made at high speed. I used to call it “Trash and Dash.” Since their father has somewhat more “relaxed” standards of housekeeping than I…