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Tag modeling

Spank or Not NW

To Spank or Not to Spank?

If you work with Christian parents, it’s tempting to stay far away from the spanking debate. There are the “never spank” parents, the “immediate obedience or get spanked” parents, and everything in-between. The question over whether to spank or not…

19 DAD podcast Kids Watching 1

Your kids? They’re watching. ALL the time. | Ep. 20

In this podcast, Chad Hayenga and Jim Jackson will challenge you to think through what you’re modeling as you parent. They’ll equip you with natural, effective ways to “live your life out loud” in a manner that builds faith and…

Bullying Opportunity 2

Bullying: Challenge or Opportunity?

Throughout the United States, October is national bullying prevention month, and many schools around the country will encourage their kids to wear orange in support of anti-bullying. Those are nice sentiments, but what does it actually look like if your…