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Toddler Round Up NW 1

But What About My Toddler?

At Connected Families we are often asked, “How does your  framework apply to toddlers when they seem too young to understand but are certainly showing their strength of will?”   We’ve compiled a list of our favorite posts relating to…

Blessing in Disguise 1

Are You Raising a Blessing in Disguise?

Life brings countless trials. For many parents, a prominent trial is the raising of a particularly sensitive, intense, or strong-willed child who struggles more in life than other kids. Some of these parents grow increasingly discouraged by the challenge. But…

kids and puppies no words

Kids Are Like Puppies

Little kids are kind of like puppies. They usually love unconditionally and are often forgiving when parents make mistakes of all kinds. Mom nags, child whines, they get through it and get back to normal quickly. Dads yell, kids cry, but…