Tag serving

The 3 Most Important (and Most Overlooked) Reasons to Be Thankful to God
It’s common at Thanksgiving to focus our gratitude on the gathering, great food, our material comforts, our possessions, enjoyable relationships, and other beautiful blessings. These are blessings for sure! “All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if…

84 Ways to Serve as a Family

Why We’ll Never Stop Having Kids
Although I’m 62 and won’t be giving birth to any more children any time soon, I recently reflected that God gives us children in many ways, some biologically and some spiritually. It is a privilege to build into the…

Getting the Best Out of Our Kids
The way to get the best out of people is to orient people toward others. Think about it. When are you at your best? It’s almost always when you are contributing to the welfare of others. Certainly there are those…

An Unconventional Solution to a Child’s Resistance
We often see a common parenting cycle when kids are prone to anxiety. In short, it goes like this: Child feels anxious Worried, but well-meaning parent “encourages” the child toward to overcome the anxiety by pushing the child The…