Tag whining

Want To Know Your Child’s Strengths?
Find Clues in 12 Common Misbehaviors

Got a Demanding Child? This Mom Figured Out What to Do
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by kids’ whining or disrespectful demands…especially if you have a gentle, sensitive personality type. You give in and then feel like a pushover. Or maybe your default is to get exasperated and become overwhelmed. Either…

But What About My Toddler?
At Connected Families we are often asked, “How does your framework apply to toddlers when they seem too young to understand but are certainly showing their strength of will?” We’ve compiled a list of our favorite posts relating to…

“Stop Whining!” – A Success Story!
A Thoughtful Approach to Whining “Whining” is a common problem whether children are toddlers, or teens demanding to get what they want. When parents try to make the whining or demanding stop, it usually backfires. Consider this story from a…