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Give Your Family a THANKS-filled Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving 2018

It’s a wonderful time of year to be sure. But in the midst of family gatherings, school concerts, company parties, shopping, and numerous social gatherings, the wonder of it all can be hard to see – especially if the stress of activities takes a toll on kids. To help you minimize the stress of this extra-busy time of year, we’re re-sharing a few of our favorite holiday-oriented articles from years gone by. Hopefully, these will better prepare your heart and your family for a truly wondrous time of year.  

Family Gatherings: Who’s in Charge?
Large family holiday gatherings can be tough for lots of reasons and your children may struggle with misbehavior. When they do, you can empower your extended family to intervene…..but on your terms.  

3 Steps for Success in Holiday Chaos
Holidays and other gatherings can be a lot of fun — but they can also be chaotic and overstimulating for kids! Rather than punish your children for misbehavior, be thoughtful ahead of time about how to prepare them for success.

Questions to Put the Thanks Back in Thanksgiving|
If you think your kids might be open to some deeper thinking this year, we’ve provided a handful of conversation starters about gratitude. We invite you to try any or all of them to put a little bigger dose of gratitude in your Thanksgiving celebration.

What to Do When Relatives Criticize Your Parenting
Your lively kids – in unfamiliar places, without their usual toys – often reflect the stress all around them, which can mean they get loud, obnoxious, and argumentative. The icy stares or sidelong glances from relatives (especially your parents) can communicate, “That behavior is soooo disrespectful, and clearly needs some firm discipline.”

Many times a few proactive steps can help prepare everyone for the inevitable stress that can sometimes surround family gatherings. We pray these articles encourage and equip you to connect in a tangible way with family this holiday season.  

Jim and Lynne Jackson
Jim and Lynne Jackson
Articles: 228