Tag Thanksgiving

SM Ep 156

Navigating Family Gatherings | Ep 156

With the holidays fast approaching, we are pulling ​a classic podcast from the archives​ where Chad Hayenga joins Stacy Bellward to discuss some ideas for navigating family gatherings. Enjoy! Are you looking forward to celebrating holidays with family but dreading…

NW Heart Full of Gratitude

A Heart Full of Gratitude

In the messes and stresses of family life (especially during the holiday season), gratitude is sometimes hard to come by. Knowing that joy and gratitude are closely related, how can we learn the important spiritual principle of giving thanks in…

Thanksgiving greetings 2018

Thanksgiving Greetings

  On a day we set aside to give thanks, Lynne and I wanted to share with you what we are most thankful for: For the privilege of serving together each day. We love being both co-workers, best friends, and…